Monday, 28 November 2011

How to make your PC a web server for 
(Windows 7)

Have you ever thought of hosting your website using your PC as a server? Or you want to send a large file to your friend without uploading it to internet? All this is possible just by using your PC as a http:// server.

  • Make your PC http server

Now I am going to tell you how to make your PC a web server. To do that first you have to start few services in your window. To start those service follow the following steps:-
Step 1:-  go to  è control panal èuninstall & change a Program èturn windows features on and off
                Then you will see a window like this

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Host File

Editing Your Host File

For various reasons it may be necessary to update the hosts file on your computer to properly resolve a web site by its domain name. The most common reason for this is to allow people to view or publish web content immediately after purchasing a new domain name or transferring an existing domain name .

New and transferred domain names have a delay period that can be anywhere from a few hours to a few days. During this period of time the new or transferred domain information propagates around the internet, and is generally unavailable, But if you need to update your site immediately and cannot wait for the propagation of domain information around the internet, you can edit a file on your computer as a temporary work around.

Windows operating systems contain a file called ‘hosts’ that will force resolution of your domain name.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Batch Programing

In DOS, OS/2, and Microsoft Windows, a batch file is a text file containing a series of commands intended to be executed by the command interpreter. Similar to job control language and other systems on mainframe and minicomputer systems, batch files were added to ease the work required for certain regular tasks by allowing the user to set up a batch script to automate many commands. When a batch file is run, the shell program (usually COMMAND.COM or cmd.exe) reads the file and executes its commands, normally line-by-line. Batch files are useful for running a sequence of executables automatically and are often used to automate repetitive or tedious processes.[1] Unix-like operating systems (such as Linux) have a similar type of file called a shell script.

In simple word batch file is a sequence of command to be executed in ‘cmd.exe’.