Monday, 28 November 2011

How to make your PC a web server for 
(Windows 7)

Have you ever thought of hosting your website using your PC as a server? Or you want to send a large file to your friend without uploading it to internet? All this is possible just by using your PC as a http:// server.

  • Make your PC http server

Now I am going to tell you how to make your PC a web server. To do that first you have to start few services in your window. To start those service follow the following steps:-
Step 1:-  go to  è control panal èuninstall & change a Program èturn windows features on and off
                Then you will see a window like this

Step 2:- select “Internet Information Service” and start it.
Step 3:- after that reboot your pc to start the service properly. (as it will install while rebooting your PC  so, you must reboot)
Step 4:- after reboot check if there is a folder “wwwroot” at C:\inetpub\
 Well if folder is there then your web server is ready. now you can host your website in that folder, to do that copy and paste your website pages in that folder.
To run your website start your browser and type address as http://localhost , or

Note:- It is using IIS as a default server which doesn’t support php. So php file can`t be hosted using IIS server. To do that you should use some other server, I like Xamp server. For those who use any other server like xamp then there address for localhost will become different ( c:/xamp/htdocs for xamp server) they must post in respective htdocs folder.

  •  Get domain name:-

Now if you want to use it on internet you need a domain name or you can use it by using your public ip.
But using domain name is more comfortable for those who have dynamic IP.
Now all you need is a domain name for your PC. You can get that using websites which provide domain name against your IP address, eg: . you can get free and paid service as per your requirement.
you can get your domain like or you can use it your public IP eg: (just an example)

  • Share your file with your friend:-

Sharing your file with friend become easy, as you have your own web server just put your file(eg: in your "wwwroot" folder and your friends can get it on
I think it is lot easier then uploading in internet and then downloading it from there.

Tip:- you can make your PC as a chat server and email server also.

I hope you find it useful, if you have anything to ask you can……
Please comment if you like it.

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